Last update: 19.09.2019

How to use our tool

To use Social Login on your site you must perform several steps.

Request an access Token

Send request to email Email should be the next format:

Access token request
Your site URL
Contact email
You will be sent an access token to your Contact email.

Integration on your site

On your site create link using html tag <a> with href attribute like shown below:
<a href="https://sollogin.com/social/login/{social_network}/{public_token}?back_url={redirect_url}">Login with social network</a>
{social_network} - one of our supported social networks [facebook, vk, twitter, google, ok].
{public_token} - Access Token which you received from us.
{redirect_url} - URL to which user will be redirected after authorization.
When user clicks on the link, he will be redirected to {social_network} for authorization. After successful or unsuccessful authorization, player will be redirected to the {redirect_url} with GET parameter {token_access}:
{token_access} - you can exchange this token for user data.

Exchanging token for user data

To get user data you must send request to:
{token_access} - temporary code received after user authorization on previous stage.
As a result of the successful execution of this request you will obtain user data:
{"id": "string", "social": "{social_network}", "last_name": "string", "first_name": "string", "email": "string"}
You will get {"error": "string"} if user does not confirm authorization, or any other error occurred.
Then simple use this information for integration with your user registration/authorization process.
Note: If user has denied the transfer of any data to the application at the stage of authorization in a social network, you will get null in the respective field. After exchanging token for user data, user data will be deleted and unavailable anymore.


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